If goods are detained at americanus customs and in the face of forfeiture, manufacturers and exporters shall timely entrust lawyers to appeal or engage in a lawsuit. 如果货物被美国海关扣押面临罚没危险时,制造商和出口商如就应当及时委托律师进行行政申诉或者诉讼。
Now if we are to engage in a lawsuit to protect our rights, we will have to spend a lot of money and time and the result will not necessarily be satisfactory, he says. 若付诸司法来保护我们的权益,就会花大量的时间与精力,结果却不一定事逐人愿,他说。
But ask an attention, hardly the person can engage in a lawsuit for you. 但是请注重,几乎没人会为你打官司。